Breath & Awareness

I breathe therefore I thrive.

Course Summary

This program was structured to guide you through a focused breath practice and give you an idea of how to use awareness to achieve deep inner relaxation, clarity and boost your immune system. Take long, deep breaths and FEEL the diaphragm expand and contract - moving up and down. If your diaphragm is tight (most of ours are), try repeating in your mind “I am safe” then picture your self being somewhere super safe and feel how your diaphragm responds.

Course Curriculum

Course Pricing

Breath & Awareness

$49 USD

  • I am aware, I am awake & I thrive

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Marek Chromik

About the Instructor

Born and raised in Slovakia, I left my family home at the age of 21 to learn English in the UK. Came to Colorado at the age of 26. Physical movement and martial arts were always so much fun for me and although I didn't learn easily or quickly, but once I understood the movement while deepening my focus, I was able to retain what I learned. I later noticed I really enjoyed explaining the movement I learned and decided to start teaching classes. I started teaching Kung Fu and Kickboxing in 2006 and incorporated Eclectic Ground in 2012. I spent a month in Wudang Kung Fu Academy in China where I studied Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Chi Gong and later received a "Sifu" (Master) certificate from Ving Tsun Athletic Association in Hong Kong after a few years of progressing through my Wing Chun Kung Fu studies under my Master Keith Worfel of Denver Wing Chun (late grandmaster Ip Ching lineage). I have also studied with a few other Tai Chi & Chi Kung masters (like master Adam Mizner or master Mark Rasmus) where I gained deeper insights into the internal power (Chi).

My long term goal is to create a community of individuals who are interested to learn to know themselves through internal energy practices, martial arts and its principles, through re-training the mind and healing the heart with self empowerment exercises, in order to help each individual to find their path and fulfill their dharma. This is a self-sustaining community, where we find common interest in keeping our bodies healthy as we age, our mind sharp and our heart open with compassion and gratitude. A community of individuals curious about life, how the world works and how we redefine this world or ourselves in it and create a new reality from place of curiosity, respect and love.